2月16日,一年一度的移动世界大会(Mobile World Congress)如期在西班牙巴塞罗那开幕。时下正逢金融风暴在全球肆虐,很多行业都因此乱了脚步,发展前景一片晦暗。一度被认为具有免疫力的通信行业也开始尝到金融危机的厉害,裁员大潮此起彼伏,甚至曾经的通信巨鳄北电网络也申请了破产保护。在这种情况下,人们难免担心今年的移动世界大会能否再现往年的繁荣?然而事实证明,移动通信非但没有走向萧条,反而正在成为拉动全球经济增长的重要动力。
On Feb 16th, the annually Mobile World Congress opened in Barcelona as scheduled. Nowadays, mobile communications see no signs to go into recession,and become the important driving force in jump-starting the global economy.At the Congress,international mainstream operators and manufacturers showed their solution for mobile broadband, and gave a strong support for LTE that would be likely to reign around the world. TD-LTE, especially, drew extraordinary attention from the industry. Cellphone products even contested with one another which were environment-friendly, fashionable and intelligent, on top of this they were well-designed for business or entertainment.All the phones exhibited became a unique scene at the Congress which intensively attracting people's eyes.
World Telecommunications