Photoluminescence of neutron irradiation induced defects and neutron transmutation doping in GaAs was investigated at 10K. The results show that the neutron transmutation doping effect can be observed by low temperature photoluminescence. The shift of the C As related PL peak is attributed to the increase of donors near conduct band after transmutation doping. Under the conditions of low transmutation doped concentration the transmutated Ge atoms occupy Ga sites; where as after high fluence irradiation and hence high transmutation doped concentration obtained some part of the transmutated Ge atoms are placed in As sites. For the irradiation of high neutron fluence 10 17 n/cm 2 and after rapid annealing at 800℃ for 20 seconds, there still exist antisite defects Ga As ( E V+200meV) and complex defects I Ga V As , but under the neutron irradiation of fluence 10 14 n/cm 2~10 15 n/cm 2 such defects (mentioned above) have not been found.
Chinese Journal of Luminescence