
熟料对石灰石基水泥性能的影响 被引量:1

The Clinker Effected on the Limestone-based Cement Performance
摘要 运用XRD、SEM以及强度实验等方法,研究了由石灰石、矿渣、石膏和少量熟料组成的石灰石基水泥的适宜配比和水化机理。研究发现:与通常的硅酸盐类水泥不同,熟料在石灰石基水泥体系中,并非掺量越高水泥强度越高,最适宜的掺量为7%,超过7%后水泥强度增加很小。 XRD,SEM and strength test were employed to investigate the appropriate ratio and hydration mechanism of limestone-based cement consisted of limestone, slag, gypsum and a small amount of clinker. The research results demonstrate that unlike the ordinary Portland cement, the content of clinker in the limestone-based cement system is limited, and there is an optimal content. In this research, the optimal content of it is 7%. If it is more than 7% strength of the cement increases very slowly.
作者 林宗寿 赵前
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期112-115,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
关键词 石灰石基 熟料 水泥性能 limestone-based clinker cement performance
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