以超高压线路保护为例,参考IEC 61850标准的功能分层结构,将传统保护装置的各功能模块分映射至间隔层或过程层,构建符合IEC 61850的新型数字化线路保护。符合IEC 61850的数字化线路保护装置硬件平台采用卡件式的设计理念,将各逻辑设备映射到具体的卡件,使用以太网和交换机作为各卡件之间数据交互的通道。符合IEC 61850的继电保护软件对通信功能有了更高的要求,传统的前后台系统开发方式已不再适用,基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的继电保护软件不仅可以提高开发效率,而且能够改善保护的性能。试验表明符合IEC 61850的数字化线路保护装置由于采用了电子式电流互感器和引入了嵌入式实时操作系统,在防止差动保护误动和缩短保护跳闸出口时间等性能方面得到了改善。
Taking EHV line protection as an example, the new digital line protection in accordance with IEC 61850 is constructed with reference to the functional hierarchical structure of IEC 61850 standards and mapping various function modules of traditional protection to process level or bay level. The hardware Platform used cards style design idea for suiting for the digital line protection of IEC 61850 .The idea is mapping logical device to specific cards and taking Ethernet and switches as data interaction channel among cards. The corresponding protection software has higher demands to the communication functions, the traditional system development approach is no longer applicable, however ,the new software based on μc/0S-Ⅱ does not only improve the efficiency of development but also improve the performance of the protection. Experiments show that the new device has improved mal-operation of differential protection and shortened the trip signal time because used electronic current transformer and introduced the embedded real-time operating system.
Power System Protection and Control