目的进一步对已经获得的稳定表达自杀基因HSV1-tk的乳腺癌细胞株T47D—tk进行鉴定,观察其生长特性,建立移植瘤动物模型。方法提取细胞基因组、以HSV1-tk P1和HSV1-tkP2为引物,进行PCR反应,琼脂糖凝胶电泳基因鉴定。描绘生长曲线、镜下观察细胞形态。BALB/c nu/nu裸鼠前肢皮下接种T47D和T47D—tk细胞,并观察二者的成瘤特性。结果T47D-tk细胞基因组DNA进行PCR检测可见到大小约1131bp的片段,而正常的T47D细胞基因组则无此阳性条带出现。两组平均生长细胞数,第1天T47D:(5.58±1.04)×10^3,T47D-tk:(6.08±1.61)×10^3;第3天T47D:(10.00±1.30)×10^3;T47D—tk:(10.25±0.90)×10^3;第7天T47D:(19.25±0.66)×10^3,T47D—tk:(19.00±1.80)×10^3,两组间差异均无统计学意义(均P〉0.05),形态观察亦未见明显差别。接种后两组成瘤时间[T47D:(9.67±0.33)d;T47D—tk:(9.83±0.48)d]和肿瘤大小差异均无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。结论T47D—tk细胞基因组中已整合人HSV1-tk基因,与T47D细胞相比生长特性无变化,成功建立了T47D和T47D—tk移植瘤动物模型,为进一步基因显像与基因治疗奠定了基础。
Objective To further identify the breast adenocarcinoma cell line T47D-tk stably expressing the suicide gene HSVI-tk, observe its growing characteristics, and establish an animal model of implanted breast adenocarcinoma. Methods Retroviral vector of HSVI-tk gene and breast carcinoma cell line T47D-tk stably expressing the HSVI-tk gene were established. Breast carcinoma cells of the lines T47D and T47D-tk were cultured, and observed by inverted microscope. Growth curve was drawn. Genomic DNA of T47D-tk cells was extracted, and amplified by PCR with HSVI-tk and HSVI-tk P2 as primers. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to identify the HSVltk gene. Suspensions of T47D and T47D-tk cells were inoculated subcutaneously at bilateral roots of foreleg of female BALB/c nude mice respectively. The growth of tumor was observed every day. Results PCR showed 1131 bp fragment in the T47D-tk genome, but not in the T47D genome. The numbers of growing T47D cells on days 3, and 7 were ( 10.00 ± 1.30) × 10^3 and (19.25 ±0.66) × 10^3 respectively, not significantly different from those of the T47D-tk cells [ (10.25 ± 0.90) × 10^3 and (19.00 ± 1.80) × 10^3 respectively, both P 〉 0. 05]. The time needed for tumor formation after the inoculation of T47D cells was (9.67 ± 0.33 )d, not significantly different from that of the T47D-tk ceils [ (9.83 ± 0.48) d, P 〉 0. 05 ]. The tumor size 19 days after inoculation of the T47D cells was (72.17±25.88) mm^3, not significantly different from that of the T47D-tk cells [ (70.66 ± 22. 16) mm^3, P 〉 0.05 ]. Conclusion The T47D-tk cells have integrated the HSVI-tk gene without changing its growing characteristics. An animal model of implanted breast cancer has been successfully established. The T47D and T47D-tk subcutaneous xenografts offer the foundation for further study of gene imaging and gene therapy.
National Medical Journal of China