OBJECTIVE To compare of the action of aspirin on human γδT cells and 5 digestive system's tumor cells. METHODS Various concentrations of aspirin were used to induce γδT cells and digestive system tumor cells SGC-7901, SW- 1990,SW-480, SW-1116,LOVO cells lines, MTT assays were used to detect aspirin on the inhibitory ratio of these cell lines, LDH assays were used to measure the cytotoxic activity of γδT cells, flow cytometry analysis for the apoptosis percentage of before and after induced γδT cells and SGC-7901, SW-1990, SW-480, SW-1116, LOVO cell lines. RESULTS γδT cells were cultivated for ten days which proliferation ratio increase from 5.12% to 91.27%, CD44 from 5.13% to 94. 0%. When aspirin's concentrations was 3. 2 mmol · L^-1 that γδT cells growth inhibitory ratio for 41.3% and which obvious higher than SGC- 7901, SW-1990, SW-480, SW-1116, LOVO cell lines (respectively 19. 6%, 11.8%, 9. 2%, 6. 4%, 1.6%). When γδT cells induced via aspirin concentrations ranged from 0. 4 mmol·L^-1 to 1.6 mmol · L^-1 which cytotoxic activity on the five kinds of tumor cell lines was the highest, if aspirin's concentration surpassing 3. 2 mmol·L^-1, cytotoxic activity of γδT cells presented decrease tendency. SGC-7901, SW-1990, SW-480, SW-1116, LOVO cells lines were induced by different concentrations of aspirin for 24 hours, just SW-1116 and LOVO were enhanced as far as the cytotoxic activity of γδT cells on these cell lines was concerned, other groups and control group had no notable change. The apoptosis percentage of γδT cells(52. 7%) were induced by aspirin which concentration was 3. 2 mmol·L^-1, which is strikingly higher than SGC-7901, SW-1990, SW-480, SW-1116, LOVO cells lines, (respectively 7. 9%, 8. 9%, 6. 2%, 4. 5% and 3. 7%). CONCLUSION When aspirin' s concentration for clinical routine used can enhance the effect of γδT cells killing the tumor cells, if surpassing this concentration can obvious inhibite the proliferation capacity and cytotoxic activity of γδT cells and augment apoptosis ratio, however, it is not obvious for digestive tract tumor lines. This result may offer an experiment base for applying clinical aspirin to prevent digestive tract's tumor.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy