目的:建立长处和困难量表(自评版)(self-report SDQ)中文版,并分析其信、效度。方法:832名青少年完成了SDQ自评问卷,分析量表的内部一致性和重测信度、条目间平均相关系数、效标效度、进行验证性因子分析,并与英文版英国常模进行比较。结果:SDQ自评问卷的全量表Cronbach’sα系数为0.81;各因子α系数在0.48~0.88之间;重测信度为0.72;5个分量表的条目与相应的因子分相关系数在0.47到0.75之间;SDQ困难总分及各分量表得分与相应的YSR总分及分量表得分有中到高度相关。验证性因子分析的各个拟合指数均符合测量学标准。中国青少年样本在情绪问题、多动/注意障碍及亲社会行为分量表上得分均低于英国常模,在同伴关系问题分量表上得分高于英国常模。结论:中文版SDQ自评问卷具有良好的信、效度,可以试用于我国青少年常见心理问题的筛查。
Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of Chinese translation of The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-self-report version (self-report SDQ). Methods: The questionnaire was administered to 832 adolescents. Mean and standard deviations of the self-report SDQ total scale and subseales were compared with the British normative samples (www.sdqinfo.com). Additionally, internal consistency, test-retest, criterion-related validity, and confirmatory fac- tor analyses were analyzed. Results: The internal consistency reliability for the total scale was 0.81 and the eight-week test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.72. The item-subscale correlation coefficients ranged from 0.47 to 0.75. The sub- scales of SDQ had moderate to high correlation with corresponding subscales of YSR. And the results of confirmatory factor analyses(NNFI 0.91, CFI 0.92, RMSEA 0.043) indicated that the Five-factor structure of the self-report SDQ was suit- able for the Chinese sample. Conclusion: The Chinese version of The Self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with acceptable psychometric quality, can be applied to screen childhood psychopathology in China.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology