
乡村与城市社区居民灾害感知比较研究 被引量:14

Analysis on the disasters perception of village residents
摘要 目的为进一步了解居民对灾害的感知程度,并为政府减灾战略的制定和实施提供科学依据。方法入户访谈、问卷调查和对比的方法。结果79.41%的被采访者有过1-2次的受灾经历;在灾害信息的获取渠道中,乡村居民有94%首选的都是电视新闻或节目,有55.88%的被采访者通过广播或村委会通知的方式获得。城市居民选择广播和报纸杂志的频数为36.84%;在灾害发生时,79.41%乡村居民第一时间选择迅速到附近安全地点避难,2.94%的人选择等待政府安排,而城市有58.42%居民等待政府安排,7.99%留在家中;灾害发生后,乡村居民有55.88%的被调查者选择向政府或上级主管部门反映灾情,而城市居民只有23.68%对政府要求救助,城市居民有65.79%的被调查者选择自行迁移和自主解决避灾和损失补偿。结论乡村居民认为灾害主要造成的影响是人员伤亡和财产损失,而城市居民则关注灾害所带来的工作、生活上的不方便;乡村居民更倾向于灾害成因的自然侧面,而城市居民则倾向于灾害成因的人为方面;城市与乡村居民的灾害信息获取渠道均以电视、广播、报纸杂志等大众媒体为主,但是乡村居民对村委会、学校等传播信息的认知度明显高于城市居民;面对灾害,城乡居民都倾向于自主避难,但是城市居民对政府的依赖度明显高于乡村。 Aim In order to find out residents'perception to disasters and supply a scientific basis for government reducing disaster strategy. Methods The interview, the questionnaire survey and contrast. Results 79.41% of interviews had 1 -2 times disaster experience. Among channels gaining disaster information, TV news or a program had been selected by 94% of the rural residents, and broadcast or informing by the village committee had been selected by 55.88% of the rural residents. 36. 84% of the urban residents chose broadcast and the newspaper magazines. 79.41% of the rural residents in first choice to take refuge in the safe place when the disasters occur and 2.94% chose to wait for government's help. However, 58.42% of urban residents chose to wait for government arrangement, and 7.99% stayed at home. After the disasters occurred, 55.88% of the rural residents chose to refleet the condition to the government or higher authority, 23.68% of the urban residents demanded government's help, 65.79% chose to migrate and take refuge by oneself. Conclusion The rural residents thought that the effect that disasters brought mainly was personnel casualties and property losses, and the urban residents thought that it was the inconvenience for job and daily life. The rural residents inclined to the natural aspect of disasters' causes, but the urban residents inclined to the artificial aspect. The channels of the rural and urban residents gaining information were mainly masses mediums such as TV, broadcast, newspaper magazine, etc. however the rural residents' cognition to information spreading by the rural committee and school was obviously higher than the urban residents. Facing disasters, the urban and rural residents all inclined to take refuge by oneself, and the dependence of urban residents on the government was obviously higher than rural residents.
作者 周旗 郁耀闯
出处 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期149-154,共6页 Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40471053) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(07XZZ006) 陕西省重点实验室基金资助项目 宝鸡文理学院重点科研基金资助项目(05ZK06)
关键词 乡村居民 城市社区 灾害感知 rural residents urban residents disasters perception
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