
基于蚁群算法和等级化思想的非均匀簇协议 被引量:4

Uneven clustering protocol based on ants algorithms & level
摘要 针对多跳通信的无线传感器网络,设计了基于蚁群算法和等级化思想的非均匀簇协议(Ant&Level Based Une-ven Clustering Protocol,ALUCP),适应于汇聚节点位于感应区域外的应用场合。ALUCP将网络划分为K个等级区域(K-Level),利用蚁群信息素选举最优簇首,结合节点等级信息构造非均匀的簇结构,使较小等级内的簇首拥有较少的簇成员,反之亦然,并同时在不同等级簇首之间形成到汇聚节点的路由信息。仿真结果表明ALUCP能够使网络中不同等级内的簇首等比例地消耗能量,有效地解决了负载平衡问题,延长了网络的生命周期。 In this paper we present the Uneven Clustering Protocol (ALUCP) based on Ants Algorithms &Level for multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) deployed in a more practical scenario, in which the Sink locates at the edge of the sensing domain. The network will be divided into K-level by ALUCP. According to the pheromone left behind by Ants and nodes' level information to elect Cluster Heads (CHs) and construct uneven clusters, respectively, which ensures that the CHs in lower level possess of smaller member nodes, and vice versa, meanwhile form routing information among CHs in different levels. Simulation results show that ALUCP balances the energy consumptions among CHs in different levels and prolongs the lifetime of network.
作者 吴晓培 吴跃
出处 《电子测量与仪器学报》 CSCD 2009年第2期105-111,共7页 Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
基金 国家863计划资助项目(编号:2007AA01Z443) 国家自然科学基金(编号:60471055)资助项目
关键词 ALUCP K-等级 蚁群算法 非均匀簇结构 无线传感器网络 ALUCP K-level ants algorithms uneven clustering wireless sensor networks
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