1道森(Jan van der Dussen).《历史是一种科学》(History as a Science)(The Hague,1981),PP.431-432.
2德瑞(W.H.Dray).《重演和历史》(Re-enactment and History)(牛津,1995).
3《历史的原理和自然的理念的宇宙论结论》"The Principles of History and The Cosmology Conclusion to the Idea of Nature"[J].Collingwood Studies,1995,2:140-74.
430 December 1945. Idea of History, File, Clarendon Press Archives, ref. 4928.
5克兰登出版社的档案(Clarendon Press Archive files) : CP/ED/0 - 01061 Collected Essays ; PB/ED001586, The Idea of Nature; LB 8083, Autobiography; PB/ED001626, Essay on Metaphysics; and PB/ED 001549, Principles of Politics-New Leviathan, and on Knox's papers, St. Andrews University Library.
6Idea of History, File,ref. PP5200.
7Louis O. Mink, Mind History and Dialecylc (Bloomington, 1969), 183 - 186; and, Lionel Rubinoff, Collingwood and Reform of Metaphysic (Toronto, 1970), 275.
9T. J. Diffey, "Aesthetics and Philosophical Method" in Philosophy, History and Civilization, ed. D. Boucher, J. Connelly, and T. Modood (Cardiff, 1995), 71.
10W. H. Dray, "Collingwood's Historical Individualism," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 10(1980), 6.