
多孔聚磷酸钙生物陶瓷的研究与应用 被引量:1

The Study and Application of Porous Calcium Polyphosphate Bioceramic
摘要 本文阐述了聚磷酸钙的国内外研究现状,初步揭示了聚磷酸钙生物陶瓷(CPP)的生物相容性和降解特性。现有的研究表明,聚磷酸钙的聚合度和晶型不同,降解速率也不同,为生物陶瓷可控降解提供了新的途径。聚磷酸钙属直链状无机聚合物,具有不完全结晶性,聚磷酸钙材料在生物相容性、降解性和力学性方面的综合优势,使其在骨修复材料领域格外受到青睐。 The recent research and application of calcium polyphosphate at home and abroad were discussed in this paper. It primarily revealed the biocompatibility and degradability of calcium polyphosphate bioceramic. The present research showed that different polymerization degree and crystalline structure result in the different biodegradatio polyphosphate n ratio, which points out the new approch for controllable biodegradation of bioceramic. Calcium is a long chain linear inorganic condensed phosphate with most crystalline structure. It is popular with the future bone repair because of its fine biocompatibility and degradability and mechanic property.
出处 《佛山陶瓷》 2009年第2期45-49,共5页 Foshan Ceramics
关键词 聚磷酸钙 支架材料 骨修复材料 降解 研究与应用 calcium polyphosphate, scaffold, bone repair, degradation, study and application
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