
从学位变化看美国高等教育面向新经济结构的调整及其启迪(1973—2007) 被引量:1

The Adjustment of American Higher Education to New Economic Structure and Its Enlightenment:Seen from Changes in Degree
摘要 技术创新与技术变成现实生产力之间存在一个时间差.其重要原因是技术创新所产生的知识体系的完善与普及需要相应的教育转型。受过高等教育的劳动力是最重要的生产要素之一。历史经验说明,只有高等教育主动适应了信息技术革命以及随之而来的产业革命,甚至社会生活的巨变,源源不断培养出高素质的劳动力,新技术创新才变成真正的生产力。从授予学位的结构变化可以看出,美国高等教育在专业、课程、数量等方面,自20世纪70年代初出现了面向新经济体系的重要变革。这种变革的动力除了信息技术革命的推动外,更重要的动因还是来自美国大学的核心理念。美国高等教育面向新经济的转型对中国高等教育变革的启示是多方面的:首先它启发我们反思中国高等教育近30年来改革的得失;其次,它启发我们思考未来的中国高等教育面对中国经济与社会发展应该采取什么样的变革之道。 There is a time lag between technology innovation and the realistic productive forces brought about by the innovation. The main reason lies in the process of the corresponding educational transformation for the perfection and popularization of the knowledge system produced by the technology innovation. Labor with higher education is one of the most important production factors. Historical experience has shown that only by adapting to the revolution in information technology and the industrial revolution, even to the change of social life, continuously developing high-quality workforce, can higher education brings new technology innovation and real productivity. From the structural changes in the degree, American higher education has taken a great change facing economic system in major, course and quantity since the early 1970s. The motivation to change is from the information technology revolution on the one side, but more importantly is from the change of core idea in the universities. American higher educational transformation to the new economy has some enlightenment for Chinese higher educational reform. First, it inspires us to reflect on the Chinese higher educational reform in the past 30 years; secondly, it inspires us into thinking about the future of China's higher educational reform faced with China's economic and social development.
作者 李刚
出处 《南京晓庄学院学报》 2009年第1期43-57,共15页 Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
关键词 知识经济 美国 高等教育 教育转型 中国 高等教育改革 knowledge economy American higher education educational transformation reform of Chinese higher education
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