目的:了解甘肃省0~14岁儿童视力、听力、肢体、智力、精神残疾的现患率及其分布特征,重点考察智力低下儿童的现患率及分布特点.方法:2006-04-01/2006-05-31,采取分层、多阶段、整群概率比例抽样方法对13958名0~14岁儿童进行现况调查,使用丹佛发育筛查测验及Gesell发育诊断量表进行智力筛查和诊断.采用SPSS 13.0软件对数据进行统计分析.结果:甘肃省0~14岁儿童智力低下现患率为8.96‰,农村现患率(9.66‰)高于城市(4.32‰),差异显著(χ2=5.17,P<0.05);男童(9.79‰)略高于女童(7.97‰),但差异不显著(χ2=1.307,P>0.05);0~8岁儿童智力低下(MR)现患率(10.84‰)明显高于9~14岁年龄组(7.24‰),差异显著(χ2=5.08,P<0.05).智力低下严重程度构成分别为轻度55.20%,中度23.20%,重度10.40%,极重度11.20%.结论:甘肃省儿童智力低下的防治应以轻度类型为主,重点放在农村地区.应努力创造条件,加强特殊教育,以降低轻度智力低下儿童现患率,提高人口素质.
AIM: To investigate the prevalence and distribution characteristics of vision, audition, limbs and mental retarded children aged 0 - 14 in Gansu Province and to assess the prevalence and distribution characteristics of mental retardation (MR). METHODS: A survey was made from April 1, 2006 to May 31 to May, 31, 2006 in 13958 children aged 0 - 14 in Gansu Province with stratified, multi-stage and cluster sampling method. Intelligence screening and diagnosis were conducted with DDST and standardized Gesell developmental schedule and statistical analysis was performed with SPSS13.0 software. RESULTS: The total incidence rate among the children of 13958 was 8.96‰ and the countryside incidence rate (9.66‰) was higher than that in the city (4.32‰) in Gansu Province, with significant difference (X^2 =5.17 ,P〈0.05). The incidence in boys was little higher that in girls, but with no significant difference (X^2=1.307, P〉0.05). The incidence rate of the children aged 0 - 8 was higher than that of the children aged 9 - 14 and the difference was significant (X^2= 5.08,P 〈 0.05). The percentage of mild, moderate, severe and most severe of MR was 55.20%, 23.20%, 10.40% and 11.20% respectively. CONCLUSION : In Gansu Province, Priority should be given to the prevention and treatment of mild MR, especially to those in the rural areas. Special education should be strengthened to reduce the prevalence of children with mild mental retardation, thus improving population quality.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University