
阿霉素的神经肌毒性实验研究进展及应用前景 被引量:10

The neuromuscular toxicity and clinical application of adriamycin
摘要 阿霉素为常用的抗肿瘤药,近年来应用阿霉素治疗三叉神经痛的文献报道较多,且已获得较好的效果,但其治疗机制尚不十分明确,尤其是对肌细胞及神经细胞的毒性作用机制特点及不同的给药方式和剂量选择尚不够明确。本文详细介绍了阿霉素对神经元及肌细胞毒性作用的机制和特点、作用的选择性和自限性以及不同给药方式产生的不同药理效应,显示出其在三叉神经痛、面肌痉挛等神经肌相关疾病发病机制研究及治疗方面的应用前景。 Adriamycin (doxorubicin) is commonly used in the treatment of malignant tumours. In recent years,retrograde adriamycin sensory ganglionectomy has been used in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and has obtained good therapeutic effect. The mechanism of action ,particularly, of the toxic effects with different medication methods and choice of doses for muscle ceils and nerve cells is still unclear. This article reviewed the mechanism and feature of the toxicity of adriamycin effects on these cells and its advance in experimental study. The damage of adriamycin was highly selective and selflimited. The different effects of adriamycin with different administration routes and doses is also described. Adriamycin shows great potentiality in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, facial spasm and some other neuromuscular diseases.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期100-105,共6页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
关键词 阿霉素 逆行轴突运输 选择性 自体荧光 神经干 三叉神经痛 面肌痉挛 Adriamycin Retrograde axonal transport Selectivity Autofluorescence Nerve Trigeminal neuralgia Hemifacial spasm
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