

The Design of Low Power Consumption and Full Orientation Geomagnetic Diurnal Variation Survey System
摘要 远海区磁力测量常因缺少测区附近的日变观测数据而使磁测结果得不到适当校正,从而导致磁力数据处理产生较大误差,影响了磁法勘探的效果。为有效解决远海区磁日变数据的观测问题,研制能够在深水区进行长时间连续观测的日变站是较好的途径之一。这种适于在远海区工作的日变站需要具有耐压高、数据存储量大及功耗低的特点,同时在探头线圈设计上还考虑了适应其方向难以控制的特性来制作全向性探头,以保证接收信号的强度。而日变站的结构还应能够保障系统良好的信噪比。 The geomagnetic survey data often can not be duly corrected due to the absence of diurnal variation values near the survey area, which results in the obvious error for the process of magnetic data and may leads to nonfactual conclusion. In order to effectively resolve the problem for recording the diurnal geomagnetic variation of remote sea, it is a good idea to study and construct the diurnal variation station which can perform long time observation and recording continuously under deep sea. This kind of instrument can afford high pressure, store large amount of data and consume less energy. At the same time, its full orientation probe also can adapt to the coils' uncontrollable direction during working and thus to improve the signal amplitude. Still the whole arrangement of different part should consider its good signal to noise ratio.
出处 《南海地质研究》 2007年第1期81-85,共5页 Gresearch of Eological South China Sea
基金 国家"十一五"863资助课题(2006AA09Z345)
关键词 日变站 低功耗 全向性 Diurnal variation Low power consumption Full orientation
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