
语境线索在英语专业阅读教学中的应用 被引量:1

The Application of Contextual Clues on Teaching Extensive Reading for English Majors
摘要 语境线索在泛读篇章解读中具有准确理解一词多义词的语境意义,有助于认识句法结构和对篇章信息进行必要推理的功能。鉴于语境线索的应用价值,在英语专业泛读教学中,教师要积极引导学生利用语境线索来创设和构建语境,鼓励学生在应用语境线索中有意识地培养语境化策略,从而提高篇章理解能力。 This paper, based on some theories of contextual clues, discusses the concept of contextual clues, the functions of precisely understanding polysemic words in the context, helping interpret sentence structures and making some necessary inferences for the text. Considering the great value of using contextual clues, in teaching extensive reading for English majors, teachers should guide students to create context through employing such clues. Also, in this way, they should be encouraged to train themselves the strategy of contextualization. As a result, their ability of comprehending text will be improved practically.
作者 张立友
出处 《安阳工学院学报》 2009年第1期101-104,共4页 Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology
关键词 语境线索 构建语境 语境化策略 篇章理解能力 contextual clues creating context the strategy of contextualization ability of comprehendingtext
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