
基于弱点关联和安全需求的网络安全评估方法 被引量:2

Network security evaluation based on vulnerability correlation and security requirements
摘要 针对传统的网络安全量化评估方法忽略了网络弱点间的关联性和目标主机的安全需求,导致评估结果不够准确的问题,提出了一种基于弱点关联和安全需求的网络安全量化评估方法。该方法利用攻击图来计算各弱点被网络攻击者成功利用的概率。在此基础上,计算各弱点对主机可用性、保密性和完整性的影响。最后,根据目标主机的安全需求评估主机和网络的安全性。实例分析表明,该评估方法克服了传统方法孤立地评估各弱点对主机的网络安全性评估的不利影响,获得的评估结果较传统方法更为准确。 The paper points out that traditional quantitative methods for network security assessment usually lead to the inaccurate assessment results because they neglect the vulnerability correlation in networks and the security requirements of target hosts, and based on the analysis of this, proposes a new one which considers the vulnerability correlation and security requirements. The proposed method uses the attack graph to calculate the probability of network attackers' successful exploitation of the vulnerabilities, and based on this, calculates the effects of the vulnerabilities on the availability, confidentiality and integrity of the hosts. Finally, it assesses the security of the hosts and the network according to the security requirements. The analysis of the example indicates that the acquired assessing results by using this method are more accurate than the traditional methods.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期141-146,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2006AA012451) 973计划(2007CB311100)资助项目
关键词 安全评估 弱点关联 安全需求 攻击图 security assessment, vulnerability correlation, security requirement, attack graph
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