介绍了SA9904B,ATT7026A及CS5463等三相高精度电能计量芯片的原理,比较了芯片的性能指标。SA9904B提供有功、无功电能,但不提供视在功率和相角等参数;ATT7026A提供各分相、合相参数,但不具有中断功能;CS5463不但提供各种计量参数,且具有中断,更有低于12 mW的超低功耗。
The principle of poly phase muhifunctional energy metering IC in three kinds of SA9904B,ATI/026A and CS5463 are introduced.The performance of the three chip are compared.SA9904B supplies active and reactive power/energy measurement, but it does not supply power-factor or phasor information; ATT7026A supplies the split phase and three phase information,but it does not offer the function of interrupt,CS5463 supplies several indirect parameters,and supplies information of interupt,and with 12mW lowest power loss.
Electronic Design Engineering