利用732型阳离子树脂对含Cu、Ni的电动清洗液进行再生研究,结果表明,上行式交换效果明显优于下行式的交换效果,但流速对交换效果的影响不明显,流速为1~5 mL/min,对Cu、Ni的去除率都在97%~100%;考虑树脂性能,清洗液体积与树脂体积最佳比应为12:1;以50 mL浓度为5%的HCl对树脂进行再生,上行式明显优于下行式的洗脱效果,流速与洗脱率成反比关系,流速为0.5~1 mL/min的再生效果较为理想,洗脱率可以达到80%左右。
This paper researches the regeneration of electrokinetic cleaning solution contained Cu and Ni by virtue of 732 cationic resins, and the results show that the effect of upward exchange excels downward exchange; however, the effect of flow velocity was not obvious; removal rates of Cu and Ni reach about 97%-100% under the condition of 1--SmL/min flow velocity. Considering the exchange capability of resins, the optimum volume ratio of cleaning solution to resin is 12:1. With 50mL and 5% HCL for resin regeneration, the effect of upward elution excels, and flow velocit vary inversely with the rates of elution; in addition, the effect of resin regeneration was desirable with flow velocity 0.5 - 1 mL/min, for elution rate reaches up to about 80%.
Journal of Dongguan University of Technology
cleaning solution
cationic resins
regeneration and reuse