
上海市楼宇经济的发展形式及其对策研究 被引量:9

The Strategies of Developing Building Economy in Shanghai
摘要 在知识经济革命背景下,正朝国际大都市迈进的上海应选取既具有知识密集型属性又具有都市型属性的产业来引领未来产业结构的调整与升级。具有高聚集度和高辐射力的楼宇经济不仅具有上述的双重属性,而且在上海的发展前景广阔。上海市楼宇经济中比较有发展空间的是总部楼、众师楼和知识传媒楼,针对其聚集度不高的问题,提出规划和布局应从整体入手、走产业集群道路、发展成高度聚集的"发展极"等对策。 In the era of knowledge economy, Shanghai, moving towards an international metropolis, should select those both knowledge - intensive and urban - located industries to lead industrial restructuring and upgrading. Building economy, a highly aggregative and radiating industry, has not only the dual properties, but also bright prospect in future. Building economy form in Shanghai, with great potential, involves headquarters building, occupational expertise building and knowledge - based media building. In order to resolve the problem of its lower aggregative degree , the paper puts forward the measures of conducting the overall planning and layout, accomplishing industrial clustering, and developing "growth poles", etc.
作者 陈跃刚
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期127-129,共3页 Commercial Research
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助金项目 项目编号:20070420664
关键词 上海市楼宇经济 产业属性 发展形式 产业聚集 Shanghai building economy industry attribute form of development industrial cluster
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