研究了F类射频功率放大器的电路结构与工作原理,并设计了一个工作频段为405~415MHz、输出功率为30dBm、功率附加效率达到65%的高效率低谐波失真的F类对讲机功率放大器。为了达到设计指标,设计采用了一些特殊的方法,包括采用两级单端结构功率放大器结构、F类功率放大器输出匹配网络,并针对谐波失真过大进行了片外滤波器的设计,有效地滤除了谐波(各阶谐波小于-69dBc)。最后采用2μm GaAs HBT工艺F类对讲机功率放大器,经过对实际芯片的测试证明结果完全满足设计指标。
Circuit structure and working principle of the Class F power amplifier were presented, a high efficiency and low THD power amplifier for interphone application was designed, working at 405-415 MHz, output power 30 dBm, and PAE 65 %, some special methods were used in the design, including the twostage single end structure power amplifier, output match net of Class F power amplifier, and the design of out of chip filter for big THD, disposing the THD effectively (THD is under - 69 dBc). At last, the Class F power amplifier is implemented with 2 um GaAs HBT technology. After testing of the real chip, it proves the results fulfill the design goal.
Semiconductor Technology