以地理信息系统和景观生态学为研究方法,对重庆市九龙坡区的景观空间格局进行了研究,应用FRAG-STATS 3.3软件计算各景观类型的指标。结果表明:研究区内景观类型以耕地、居民点及独立工矿用地、园地和林地为主。耕地的形状复杂程度最高,其次为交通运输用地。耕地、居民点及独立工矿用地、园地和林地的斑块分布较为紧凑,其余地类相反。景观多样性指数适中,均匀度指数较高,各种景观类型分布比较均匀。
Using GIS and landscape ecology, the landscape spatial pattern of Jiulongpo District, Chongqing was studied, and the indexes of different landscape types were caculated using FRAGSTATS 3.3 software. The results showed that cultivated land, residential points, industrial and mining land, garden plot and forest land were the main landscape types. The shape complexity of cultivated land was highest, then the transmission land. The patch distribution of cultivated land, residential points, industrial and mining land, garden plot and forest land was tight, while that of other types was opposite. The SHDI was moderate, and the SHEI was higher. All landscape types distributed evenly.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences