电离层层析成像技术非常适用于检测电离层电子密度的大尺度空间分布及其扰动。利用地面单站的GPS TEC值和另一站的数字测高仪观测数据,结合国际参考电离层(IRI),利用MART算法反演得到测站上空电子密度的垂直分布。利用白天和夜间的实测数据进行了CIT反演,结果表明了该方法的可靠性。
Computerized ionospheric tomography (CIT) is suitable for monitoring large-scale spatial struetures and disturbances of ionospheric electron density. Combined of GPS TEC from single site and observations from another ionosonde, The MART algorithm to calculate the vertical distribution of the ionospherie electron density over the site with IRI model is presented in this paper. CIT is performed with actual observations from daytime and nighttime. The results indicate the reliability of this method.
Gnss World of China