Objective: To evaluate the effect of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection on peak age of age-specific mortality of primary hepatoceUular carcinoma(HCC). Methods: A cohort of 90234 subjects was assembled in Haimen City, Jiangsu in 1992. At cohort entry, HBsAg (+) was an indicator of HBV infection, and those tested HBsAg (+) twice within 6 months were identified as chronic HBV infection. There were 14338 HBsAg (+) and 75896 HBsAg (-) subjects in the cohort respectively. The vital status of each cohort member was followed from 1993 until 2007. Age-specific HCC mortality was calculated for each group and the peak age of age-specific mortality was compared. Results: There were 1352 and 479 HCC deaths in HBsAg(+) and HBsAg(-) groups respectively. HCC mortality was significantly different between the two groups (X2=5027.00, P〈0.01) with a relative risk (RR) of 16.13,95%CI 16.64- 18.04. The age-specific mortality peaked 5-6 years earlier in HBsAg (+) group than in HBsAg (-) group. Conclusions: Chronic HBV infection can result in HCC occurrence at an earlier age.
Medical Journal of Communications