
1975-2005年中国7岁以下儿童体格发育变化趋势 被引量:23

Physical growth trend of Chinese children under 7 years old, in 1975 -2005
摘要 目的了解1975-2005年间我国儿童体格发育变化趋势和特点。方法资料来源于1975、1985、1995及2005年中国9个城市7岁以下儿童体格发育调查。调查点为北京、哈尔滨、西安、上海、南京、武汉、福州、广州及昆明市的城区及郊区县。采取随机整群抽样的方法,抽取刚初生至差1d不满7岁的健康儿童,分22个年龄组,每市、每个年龄组、城乡男女儿童各150~200名。1975年样本量为158400名,1985年样本量为152874名,1995年样本量为157362名,2005年样本量为138775名。分析7岁以下儿童身高、体重、头围、胸围的变化。结果30年间,无论城、乡、男、女,多数年龄组儿童的平均体重、身高均有明显增长。其中12—15个月组体重增长0.76~1.14kg,6~7岁组增长2.58~3.26kg;12—15个月组身高增长2.7—3.8cm,6~7岁组增长5.0~7.6cm。胸围4个月前几乎无增长,4个月后略有增长;头围增长幅度最小,增幅在0.1~1.0cm之间。1975-1985年、1985—1995年、1995-2005年身高、体重每10年的增幅逐渐变大,其中5—6岁城市男童体重分别增长0.58、1.02、1.67kg,身高分别增长1.5、2.0和2.6cm。身高的城乡差距逐渐缩小,其中6~7岁组男童的城乡差别由1975年的4.9cm降至2005年的2.6cm;体重城乡差距的变化则为3岁前略有缩小,3岁后却逐渐增大,其中6~7岁组男童体重的城乡差异由1975年的1.14kg增大至2005年的1.72kg。身高、体重的地区差别也有逐渐缩小的趋势。结论9个城市儿童生长发育水平明显提高,呈快速增长趋势;身高、体重的城乡差别、地区差别有逐渐缩小趋势。 Objective To analyze the physical growth changes in Chinese children aged from 0 to 7 years old during the past 30 years. Methods Four national physical growth surveys of the children under 7 years old were undertaken in the same urban and suburban areas of nine main cities in China from 1975 to 2005. The nine cities were Beijing, Harbin and Xi'an in the northern part; Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan in the central part; Guangzhou, Fuzhou and Kunming in the southern part of China Random cluster sampling method was used. The children aged from 0 to 7 years old were classified into 22 groups by age. The sample size was ranged from 150 to 200 persons for each sex-age group in each area (urban/rural) of each city. Totally, 158 400,152 874,157 362 and 138 775 healthy children were examined in 1975,1985,1995 and 2005 respectively. The data of weight, height, chest and head circumference obtained from these surveys were analyzed. Results Average weight and height in most of the age groups for both boys and girls from urban and suburban rural areas has been significantly improved during the past 30 years, the average increments of weight were 0.76 kg to 1.14 kg in 12 - 15 months group and 2. 58 kg to 3.26 kg in 6 -7 years group; and the average increments of height were 2.7 cm to 3.8 cm in 12 - 15 months group and 5.0 cm to 7. 6 cm in 6 - 7 years group. Chest circumference did not show an increase in infants younger than 4 months and increased slightly after 4 months. The average increments of head circumference were 0. 1 cm to 1.0 cm From 1975 to 2005, the increments of weight and height per 10 years was in an increasing trend, e. g. weight increments of 5 -6 years old were 0. 58 kg,1.02 kg and 1.67 kg and the height increments were 1.5 cm, 2.0 cm and 2. 6 cm for every 10 years. The urban-rural difference in height has become smaller,the height difference in 6 -7 years group for boys was decreased from 4. 9 cm in 1975 to 2. 6 cm in 2005. The weight has become smaller in children under 3 years old but becoming greater after 3 years, such as the difference increased from 1.14 kg in 1975 to 1.72 kg in 2005 for boys aged 6 -7 years old. The regional difference also showed a decreasing trend. Conclusion The physical growth of Chinese children had been much improved during the past 30 years and the secular trend should be still continuing at an accelerated growth stage. The urban-rural difference and regional difference in weight and height had become smaller.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期182-186,共5页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 卫生部妇幼保健与社区卫生司委托项目(2005-41)
关键词 儿童 生长 身高 体重 Child Growth Body height Body weight
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