The well-known Susruta-samhita is one of the most important classics of Ayurveda. The 1 9 chapters about ophthalmology in its Uttara-tantra are the main mate- rial for studying the ophthalmology of Ayurveda. This paper begins with a presentation of the theories , diseases and therapies of Ayurveda's ophthalmology , then points out that these chapters were obviously not done by one person because their contents are found to be self-contradictory in different places , and finally focuses on a comparison between the two medical systems of India and China. As a result , it could be seen that the founda- tion of the Five-Ring doctrine , the most important ophthalmic theory of traditional Chi- nese medicine , as well as the application of operative treatment in ancient China were closely related to the influence of Ayurveda.
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences