
WTO协定的首次修订——Trips协定第31条之修改 被引量:2

The First Amendment on WTO Agreements——Modification of Article 31 of TRIPS Agreement
摘要 2007年10月28日,我国批准了《关于〈与贸易有关的知识产权协定〉修正案议定书》(简称《议定书》),《议定书》是2001年11月启动的WTO多哈回合谈判至今取得的惟一一项具体成果,是WTO成立以来几十个生效协定的首次重要修订。《议定书》放宽了对专利强制许可药品出口的限制,消除了符合强制许可规定的专利药品国际贸易的法律障碍,为发展中成员、最不发达成员通过进口获得更便宜的必须药品,解决公共健康危机提供了便利。 On 28 October, 2007, Chinese government approved the Decision on the Amendment of the TRIPS Agreement. As the only achievement of Doha Ministerial Conferences initiated in December 2001, the Decision is the first significant modification of one of the operative WTO agreements from the establishment of the organization. The Decision provides exporting flexibilities and clears up the legal barriers for international trade of compulsory license patented medicines, which benefits the developing and least developed members in importing the necessary medicines at a lower cost to deal with national wide public health emergency.
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第1期38-44,共7页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
关键词 TRIPS协定 修订 药品 强制许可 TRIPS Agreement amendment medicines compulsory license
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