
深空探测网络中的链路层协议感知 被引量:3

Link Layer Protocol Sensing for Deep Space Exploration Network
摘要 深空探测网络的异构特性和探测过程的长时间性,要求深空探测网络具有感知通信协议和自重配置通信协议的能力,以满足深空探测多任务目标的需求。该文论述了深空探测网络的组成和特点。在分析IEEE802.3和HDLC等链路层协议帧结构的基础上,研究基于多数判决准则的感知算法。考虑到深空信道的时变性,提出基于感知状态信息加权平均的算法。仿真结果表明,提出的算法性能优于基于多数判决准则的感知算法。 Deep space network is a heterogeneous network and provides long-life space explorations. This enables deep space network to have the capabilities of protocol sensing and self-reconfiguration for various space missions. The deep space network is described. The data link protocol (IEEE802.3 and HDLC) framing structures are analyzed, and the sensing algorithm based on majority rule is presented. Considering the time variant channel of deep space communications, an algorithm based on weighted average using sensing state information is given. Simulation results show the algorithm proposed in this paper outperforms the algorithm based on majority rule.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期79-80,102,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划基金资助项目(2006AA701205B)
关键词 深空探测 异构网络 链路层 协议感知 deep space exploration heterogeneous network data link layer protocol sensing
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