
实验用小型猪呼吸道支原体检测及方法比较 被引量:2

Detection of Mycoplasma in the Respiratory Tract of Laboratory Mini-pigs and Comparison of the Detection Methods
摘要 目的通过常用的三种不同方法对支原体的检测,了解实验用小型猪支原体感染情况,为今后实验用小型猪支原体检测方法国家标准的制定提供参考。方法采用培养法、PCR和ELISA方法分别对20头小型猪的气管、肺和血清进行检测。结果三种检测方法中,PCR方法支原体阳性检出率为15%,ELISA方法为20%,而培养法结果均为阴性。结论目前在普通级小型猪中存在支原体的感染。检测方法中PCR和ELISA方法较培养法更省时,敏感性更高。 Objective Three common methods for detection of mycoplasma were used to identify mini-pigs infected with mycoplasma, in order to provide a reference for establishment of Mycoplasma detection methods in the national standards of laboratory miniature pigs. Methods Cell culture, PCR and ELISA techniques were employed to examine the trachea, lung and serum of 20 mini-pigs, respectively. Results The positive rate of mycoplasma detected by PCR was 15%, and detected by ELISA was 20%, but all negative by cell culture. Conclusions Mycoplasm infection is widely present in conventional mini-pigs at the present. PCR and ELISA techniques are more effective and time-saving than the cell culture method in detection of the mycoplasma infection.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第2期36-38,共3页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
基金 北京市科委公益应用项目D07080200720701
关键词 小型猪 支原体检测 Mini-pig Detection, mycoplasma
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