目的探讨前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)断裂后,外侧副韧带(lateral collateral ligament,LCL)的生物力学异常变化。方法自愿捐献新鲜成年男性正常膝关节标本共6具,年龄26~35岁,平均31.4岁,为非对称性,左、右膝关节各3具。置于自制运动夹具上并通过电子试验机轴向加载400N负荷模拟膝关节的正常受力,采用压力感受器分别测定ACL完整及ACL断裂时LCL于屈膝0、30、60及90°时应变值。结果屈膝0、30、60及90°位时,ACL完整组LCL承受应变分别为(0.00±1.63)、(—17.20±8.57)、(—24.00±4.80)及(26.50±4.65)με;ACL断裂组分别为(0.75±8.22)、(—52.75±3.33)、(24.30±4.99)及(26.30±4.27)με。屈膝0°和90°时两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);30°和60°时差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在屈膝30°和60°时,ACL断裂后LCL承受异常负荷。屈膝30°时,LCL松弛度增加,其损伤可能性相对较小;屈膝60°时,LCL高度紧张,处于易损伤高危状态。
Objective To investigate theffe ect of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture on the biomechanics of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Methods The specimens in this experiment were knee joints from 6 normal fresh adult male cadavers which was donated voluntarily,aged of 26-35 years with an average of 31.4 years. The knee joints were dissymmetry with 3 in left and right sides respectively. At rst,all the 6 specimens lying on the self-made movement tooting,whose LCL straining were measured by strain gauges at di erent angles (0,30,60 and 90°) under axial loads of 400 N by e-testing machine for simulation of the normal knee joint force,were regarded as the intact ACL group. Then,the ACL in all 6 specimens were cut o completely as the de ciency group and did the same step. Results The strain of the LCL were as follows at 0,30,60 and 90°: (0.00 ± 1.63),(—17.2 ± 8.57),(—24.00 ± 4.80) and (26.50 ± 4.65) με in intact ACL group; (0.75 ± 8.22),(— 52.75 ± 3.33),(24.30 ± 4.99) and (26.30 ± 4.27) με in de ciency group. There was no signi cant di erence at 0° and 90° exion (P 〉 0.05),but signi cant di erence at 30° and 60° exion (P 〈 0.05) between the two groups. Conclusion The rupture of the ACL has signi cantly effect on the strain of the LCL which su ering abnormal load in the state at 30° and 60° exion. At 30° exion the relaxation of the LCL increased,which means the possibility of the injury of the LCL is rare; and at 60° exion the LCL become very tense and thereby at the high risk of instability.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery
Anterior cruciate ligament injury Lateral collateral ligament Biomechanics