
舌癌中原癌/抑癌基因及凋亡/应激反应相关基因的表达谱研究 被引量:3

Gene Expression Pattern of Oncogene/tumor Suppressor Gene and Apoptosis/stress Response-related Genes in Tongue Carcinoma
摘要 目的:应用cDNA微阵列技术研究舌癌中原癌/抑癌基因及凋亡/应激反应相关基因的差异表达基因。方法:分别提取4例舌癌组织和正常舌黏膜组织的mRNA,逆转录后制成cDNA探针,纯化后与含有100条细胞凋亡/应激反应相关基因和234条原癌/抑癌基因相关基因的基因表达谱芯片进行杂交分析,筛选相关的差异表达基因。结果:共筛选出与细胞凋亡/应激反应有关的基因14条,其中表达增加的基因有4条,表达降低的基因有10条。在原癌/抑癌基因相关的234条基因中,共有17条基因在舌癌组织中存在差异表达,其中表达增加的基因10条,表达降低的基因7条。结论:运用cDNA微阵列技术能成功检测出两种不同组织中多个基因的差异表达,为研究舌癌提供有价值的筛选资料。 Objective: To study the differential gene expression between tongue carcinoma and normal oral smucosa by cDNA microarray. Methods: mRNA from 4 cases of tongue carcinoma tissues and 4 cases of normal oral mucosa tissues were reversely transcribed to cDNA with the incorporation of fluorescent - labeled dCTP to prepare the hybridization probes. The purified cDNA probes were hybridized with cDNA microarray including 234 oncogene/tumor suppressor gene and 100 apoptosis/ stress response- related genes, cDNA microarray were then scanned for the fluorescent intensity, and the differential gene expression was screened through the analysis of difference in gene expression profiles. Results: There were 14 apoptosis/stress response - related genes whose expression differed from tongue carcinoma and normal oral mucosa, including 4 up -regulated and 10 down- regulated genes. 17 oncogene/tumor suppressor genes were differentially expressed in tongue carcinoma, including 10 up- regulated and 7 down- regulated genes. Conclusion: cDNA microarray technique can simultaneously screen the differential expressions of genes from two different kinds of tissues. Further analysis of these differentially expressed genes will be helpful for understanding the molecular mechanism of tongue mucosa carcinogenesis.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期44-47,共4页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 舌癌 原癌/抑癌基因 细胞凋亡 应激反应 基因芯片 Tongue carcinoma Oncogene/tumor suppressor gene Cell apoptosis Stress response cDNA microarray
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