
2007年广州市流行性感冒病原学及血清学监测分析 被引量:6

The Virological and Serological Surveillance of Influenza in Guangzhou in 2007
摘要 目的分析2007年广州市流行性感冒的流行特征。方法监测来自广州市3家监测医院的流感样病例的漱口液或咽拭子标本,采用MDCK细胞进行病毒分离,通过红细胞凝集实验和红细胞凝集抑制实验进行鉴定;按0~、5~、15~、25~、60~以上5个年龄组分层随机抽取健康人群的血清标本,采用红细胞凝集抑制实验检测血清中的各型流感抗体。结果全年共对1068份流感样病例标本进行了病毒分离,共分离出46株流感病毒,分离率为4.3%,其中H3N2型15株(32.6%),B(Yamagata)型27株(58.7%),B(Victoria)型4株(8.7%),未分离出H1N1型流感病毒株。60~组人群的病毒分离率最高,为7.7%;健康人群血清中流感抗体的阳性率不高,最高为10月份H3N2的抗体阳性率,为44%,最低为3月份B(Yamagata)的抗体阳性率,仅为6.7%。结论2007年广州市流感病毒的流行时间有明显的季节性,流感病毒的活动相对平缓,B(Yamagata)型流感病毒是2007年的优势株,主要是在夏季和25~岁组的人群中流行。流感对老年人的威胁最大,有必要针对老年人加强流感的预防工作。 Objective To analysis the characteristics of influenza in Guangzhou in year 2007. Method The pharynx wash or swab specimens were collected from influenza-like patients in three sentinel hospitals, and were isolated by MDCK cells and examined by hemagglutination (HA) test and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test; serum specimens were collected randomly in five different age groups: 0, 5, 15, 25, and 60, and were examined by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Result 1068 specimens from influenza-like patients were isolated by MDCK cells. 46 of those were identified as influenza virus, with the positive rate of 4.3%. Among those specimens, 15 (32.6%) were identified as H3N2, 27(58.7%) were B(Yamegata), 4(8.7%) were B(Victoria), and none of H1N1 was isolated. The highest positive rate (7.7%) was found in the group aged 60. The positive rate of influenza antibody in serum was low, with the highest of H3N2 antibody in serum collected in October (44%), the lowest of B (Yamegata) antibody in serum collected in March(6.7%). Conclusion The epidemic of influenza virus is seasonal and not so active. B(Yamegata) was the predominate subtype in 2007, it was epidemic in summer and the group aged 25. Influenza is a big threaten for the elders, and it is necessary to strengthen the prevention of influenza among the elders.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第2期199-201,210,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
基金 广州市科技计划项目(No.2006J1-C0141) 广州市医学科学技术研究重点项目(No.2006-ZDi-10)
关键词 流行性感冒 病原学监测:抗体检测 influenza surveillance antibody test
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