

Responsivity of fully depleted back illuminated silicon photodiode
摘要 建立了一个预测硅全耗尽背照式光电二极管响应率的解析模型。分析了所加反偏压与光谱响应之间的关系,解出了硅全耗尽背照式光电二极管的响应率和器件各参数之间的关系,并根据选定参数值计算出了给定外加偏压下400~1100nm范围的光谱响应曲线,预测探测器光谱响应峰值在1μm,峰值响应率达到0.72A/W。实测结果表明:器件峰值响应与预测一致,反偏压对响应率的影响与预测相同,即响应率随着反偏压的升高而增大。并且在各种反偏压下的光谱响应曲线形状与预测基本吻合,证明了建立的模型可以正确地预测器件性能。 An analytical model had been developed for predicting the spectral response of fully depleted back illuminated silicon photodiode. The relationship of biased voltage and spectrum responsivity was analyzed. The relation between responsivity and device parameters was deduced, and spectrum curve of 400-1 100 nm was drawn under given bias voltage based on the device parameters. It was predicted that the peak responsivity was 0.72 A/W at 1μm. The measured results are consistent with the calculated responsivity. The responsivity affected by bias voltage and the spectrum curve are the same as the predicted result under various voltages. The responsivity increases with lifting bias voltage. The results prove that the model can predict device performance correctly.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期87-90,共4页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
关键词 光谱响应 全耗尽 背照式 模型 Responsivity Fully depleted Back illuminated Model
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