
深紫外波段光学薄膜研究进展 被引量:3

Research Progress of Deep-Ultraviolet Optical Coatings
摘要 随着准分子激光、自由电子激光以及全固态深紫外激光等深紫外激光光源的推广应用,近年来,深紫外波段光学薄膜技术得到了快速的发展。综述了深紫外波段增强型铝镜、氧化物薄膜、氟化物薄膜以及氧化物和氟化物的混合薄膜的最新研究进展。 With the development of deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light sources, especially the excimer lasers, free-electron lasers, and solid-state lasers, the performance of DUV optical coatings have been improved rapidly. The recent developments in DUV optical coatings, including DUV-enhanced aluminum mirrors, oxide multilayer coatings, fluoride multilayer coatings, and oxide-fluoride mixing multilayer coatings are summarized.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期50-56,61,共8页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
关键词 薄膜 深紫外 增强型铝镜 氧化物 氟化物 能量沉积 thin films deep-ultraviolet DUV-enhanced aluminum mirror oxide fluoride energetic deposition
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