A legal model of self-regulation, which was based on the British Robens Report, has been put in practice in the OHS field since 1970s in Australia. The OHS legislation under this model contains broad "general duties" and allows duty holders to choose the means by which they will comply with general duties. The model of self-regulation is better for avoiding the weaknesses of an expanded bureaucracy but a low efficiency, the making of easy-understood OHS rules, and more involvement in OHS by both employers and employees, and thus has achieved an upstanding practical effect. Though defects under this model has emerged in the new century, still we may learn from it as reference in the construction of China' s OHS system, especially in the creation of a more unified and integrated system, the distribution of administrative and supervisory powers, the tripartite framework of government-employer-employee, the local legislative powers and the combination of compulsory and non-compulsory execution of OHS legislation.
Contemporary Law Review