
服务跳变系统性能的随机Petri网评价 被引量:5

Performance Evaluation for Service Hopping System Using Stochastic Petri Net
摘要 运用随机Petri网理论,给出服务跳变系统的性能评价模型,通过求解同构的连续状态马尔可夫链各状态稳定概率,推理影响服务跳变系统的平均时延和吞吐率等主要性能指标,分析了与同步时延、数据迁徙效率的关系,对于研究主动网络对抗应用的服务跳变系统性能具有理论意义. A performance evaluation model is presented for service hopping system using stochastic Petri Net. Through obtaining the steady-state probabilities of all states in the underlying continuous-time Markov chain, theoretic analysis is performed for the parameters of average latency and throughput, which are crucial to service hopping system. Thereafter the relationships between the two parameters and the efficiency of synchronization and data swapping are discussed. Our work is useful in theory for service hopping exploits of active cyber-defense.
出处 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期72-75,共4页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
基金 国家自然科学基金(60577039) 天津市科技发展计划(05YFGZGX24200)
关键词 随机PETRI网 性能评价 服务跳变 吞吐率 时延 stochastic Petri Net performance evaluation service Hopping throughput Latency
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