
同相馈电十字振子圆极化天线的设计 被引量:4

Design of the Inphase Feed Cross Element Circular Polarized Antenna
摘要 通过对同相馈电十字振子圆极化天线的分析,提出了用振子等效长度缩短模型来定性,分析其实现圆极化的原理。同时利用时域有限差分法对十字振子天线进行仿真。并在2个波长长度范围内找到了实现圆极化的振子尺寸,在满足一定轴比带宽条件下,在垂直于十字振子平面通过十字振子中心的轴线上圆极化轴比可以达到1.166 8。分析了当天线尺寸改变时,圆极化特性的变化规律。为同相馈电十字振子圆极化天线的设计提供了参考。 An inphase fed cross dipole circular polarized antenna is analyzed in this paper. Tthe principle of implementation of circular polarization is analyzed with scaled equivalent dipdelength model qualitatively. The cross dipole antenna is simulated by time domain finite difference method. The arm length to realize circular polarization in a range of two wavelength is found. For certain axial ratio and bandwidth, the circular polarization axial ratio can reach 1. 166 8 on an axis passing through cross dipole center and in a planel vertical to the cross dipde plane. When the arm length changes, the law of polarization changing is analyzed. Thus reference for the design of inphase fed cross diple circular polarized antenna is presented.
作者 张鑫
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期67-70,共4页 Modern Radar
关键词 十字振子天线 圆极化 轴比 时域有限差分法 矩量法 cross dipole antenna circular polarization axial ratio finite difference time domain method(FDTD) method of moment
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