
自由裁量论研究——以德沃金自然法学和包容性实证主义法学中的自由裁量论为视角 被引量:3

On the Discretion Thesis:From the Perspective of Dworkin's Natural Law and Inclusive Legal Positivism
摘要 在法官造法意义上的"自由裁量论"争论中,德沃金认为司法过程实际是法官们在法律规定的幅度内依法行使自由裁量践行裁判,反对法官造法意义上的"自由裁量论"。所有的法律实证主义者都同意法官造法意义上的"自由裁量论",基于对法律效力的渊源类判准和内容类判准的不同理论主张,包容性实证主义法学与排他性实证主义法学在此种"自由裁量论"适用空间上也存在着极大差异,渊源类判准及内容类判准适用后法官的"自由裁量权"的不同适用空间也是包容性与排他性实证主义法学的理论分野所在。 In the controversies about "discretion" in the sense of judge's law- making, Professor Dworkin regards that the judicial process is actually the practice of discretion in the scope of the law by the judges, and he opposes "discretion" in the sense of judge's law - making. All the positivists of law agree on "discretion" in the sense of judges law - making. Base on the different opinions between pedigree criteria and content criteria, different viewpoints on the fields in which " discretion" can be used become a significant dividing line of theory between inclusive and exclusive legal positivism.
作者 曾莉
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期22-29,共8页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 自由裁量论 包容性实证主义法学 排他性实证主义法学 discretion thesis inclusive legal positivism exclusive legal positivism
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  • 1Kenneth Einar Himma. Legal Positivism. http ://www. iep. utm. edu/l/legalpos, htm,2004 - 11 - 06.
  • 2Jules L. Coleman and Brian Leiter. Legal Positivism. in Dennis Patterson (ed.). A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory . Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1996.
  • 3Leslie Green. Legal Positivism. http ://plato. stanford, edu/entries/legal - positivism, 2004 - 10 - 31.
  • 4[美]罗纳德·德沃金.《认真对待权利》[M].信春鹰,吴玉章.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1998.52-53,99-100.
  • 5Jules Coleman. Incorporationism, Conventionality, and the Practical Difference Thesis. in Jules Coleman (ed.). Hart's Post- Script: Essays on the Postscript to The Concept of Law . Oxford University Press,2001.
  • 6H. L.A. Hart. The Concept of Law. 2nd ed. edited by P. Bulloch and J. Raz. Clarenden Press,1994.
  • 7Kenneth Einar Himma. The Discretion Thesis. http://www, iep. utm. edu/l/legalpos, htm,2004 - 11 -6.
  • 8W. J. Waluchow. Inclusive Legal Positivism. Clarendon Press,1994.
  • 9Milliangos v. George Frank (Textile)Ltd. [ 1975 ] 3 All E. R. 812.
  • 10British Railways Bd. v. Herrington[ 1975 ] 3 All E. R. 757.


  • 1[美]罗纳德·德沃金.《认真对待权利》[M].中国大百科全书出版社,1998年版.第357页.
  • 2[英]H.L.A.哈特.法律的概念[M].许家馨,李冠宜译.台北:商周出版社,2000.
  • 3Jules L. Coleman. Second Thoughts and Other First Impressions [ A]. Brian Bix. Analyzing Law: New Essays in Legal Theory[ C]. Oxford: Clarenden Press, 1998.
  • 4Jules L. Coleman. Markets, Morals, and the Law [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
  • 5See Jules L. Coleman and Brian Leiter, Legal Positivism, in Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of law and Legal Theory, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1996, p.241.
  • 6See Kenneth Einar Himma, Inclusive Legal Positivism, in Jules L. Coleman and Scott Shapiro (ed.),The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 125.
  • 7Leslie Green. Legal Positivism [EB/OL]. http: //plato. stanford. edu/entries/legal-positivism, 2004-10-31.
  • 8Kenneth Einar Himma.Legal Positivism [EB/OL]. http: //www. iep. utm. edu/l/legalpos. htm, 2004-11-06.
  • 9Jules L. Coleman, Brian Leite. Legal Positivism [A]. Dennis Patterson. A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory[M]. Cambridge: Blackwell Publlshers Ltd, 1996.
  • 10Kenneth Einar Himma. Inclusive Legal Positivism [AI. Jules L. Coleman, Scott Shapiro. The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2002.












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