Objective : To investigate the association between HSV - 1 and recurrent oral ulcers (ROU). Methods : ThePCR was used to dstect HSV- 1 DNA in scrape specimens of oral ulcerative lesions from 60 patients with recurrent oral ulcersand in smeared epithelium from 30 health controls. And then all of patients were treated with Acyclovir and followed up for sixmonths. Results: the Patients and the controls exhibited significant difference in positive rate of HSV -1 DNA, 26 .7% (16/60)of the patients was positive for HSV- 1 DNA, wheras only 6.7%(2/30) of controls was positive (P < 0.005). The effectiverate of treatment for positive patients was 93.75%, and that of treatment for negative patients was 13 .63% (P <0. 025). Con-cluslons:There is a correlation between HSV - 1 and some patients with ROU. And patiens who were positive for HSV - 1 DNAshould be treated with antivirus drug.
Guangdong Medical Journal