尽管“金融海啸”席卷全球,但葡萄酒拍卖市场却逆风飞扬。2008年11月29日,在佳士得(Christie’s)香港秋拍会的“葡萄酒专场”,246组拍品成交率高达94%,总成交额实现3150万港元。当天最高交易纪录是一箱(12瓶)1961年的拉图(Chateau Latour)红酒,以132万港元成交,
At the Christie's Wine Auction and the Acker Merrall & Condit Fine and Rare Wine Auction held in Hong Kong in autumn 2008, the fine and rare red wines soared to 900,000 to 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars. Mr. David Elswood, International Head of Wine for Christie's, said: “Although we don't encourage buyers to purchase the wines for the purpose of investment, it cannot be denied that some rare wines will turn out good investment returns.”