本研究邀请了35位高三教师和96位高三学生,采用有声思维、采访、问卷和课堂观察等方法,对完型填空测试中的不确定性进行了探讨。Winmax分析结果表明,在完型填空测试的理解方面,师生表现出了相对的确定性,但在准备和完成完型填空的具体操作方面,却明显存在着不确定性,具体表现为损失厌恶(loss aversion)和一系列不确定性搜索策略的使用,如:可得性策略(availability heuristic)、小数法则(the law of small numbers)和锚定与调整策略(anchoring and adjustment)。
This study aims to find out whether uncertainties exist in the process of comprehending,preparing and taking cloze tests. By way of triangulation, methods were contrived, using think-aloud, classroom observation, interview and questionnaire to collect data. Participants were 96students and 35 teachers of English from a senior high school in Guangdong. Based on thegrounded theory, all the qualitative data were analyzed via Winmax 98. The results show thatcertainties obtained in what to be tested in cloze while uncertainties existed in how to prepareand take the test. Under uncertainty, teachers and students relied on availability heuristics andthe law of small numbers to prepare for the cloze test. Further, students employed anotherheuristic, i.e. anchoring and adjustment, to make decisions on the proper words to be chosen. Inaddition, loss aversion was found in test preparations.
Modern Foreign Languages