Mimecan属亮氨酸富集蛋白家族(small leucine-rich proteoglycan,SLRP),有3种亚型:osteoglycin,keratan sulfate glycoprotein和mimecan,在人类的多种组织中表达,具有重要的生理病理功能。Mimecan在胶原纤维的生成、细胞生长、分化和迁移过程中发挥着重要作用,与纤维化疾病和骨疾病关系密切。此外,mimecan在结直肠肿瘤、垂体瘤和肝癌等恶性肿瘤中的表达与正常组织不同,提示其可能与这些肿瘤的发生有关。
Mimecan belongs to a family of small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) inclnding 3 isoforms (osteoglycin, keratan sulfate glycoprotein, and mimecan), which is expressed in a variety of human tissues and has an important function of physiology and pathology. Mimecan plays an important role in the process of collagen fibrillogenesis, cellular growth , differentiation, and migration. Also is closely related to the diseases of fibrosis and bone. Moreover, the expression of mimecan in colorectal tumors, pituitary tumor and liver cancer is different from the corresponding normal tissue, suggesting that it may be correlated with the occurrence of these tumors.
Journal of International Pathology and Clinical Medicine