

Effects of Supplementing Magnesium in Diet on Lamb Meat Production,Quality and Biochemical Index of Tissues
摘要 采用单因子分组试验设计,按同质原则将32只无角陶赛特(♂)与寒滩母羊(♀)的杂交一代公羔(平均5.5月龄)分为4组,在0.9倍NRC营养水平下,研究添加不同水平(0%、0.075%、0.150%和0.225%)镁(氧化镁)对羔羊产肉力、肉品质和肉营养成分的影响。结果表明:各组间羔羊产肉力、肉质和肉中干物质与蛋白质含量均无显著差异(P>0.05);Ⅰ组背最长肌(LM)粗脂肪含量显著高于Ⅳ组(P<0.05)及呈现高于Ⅱ组(P=0.194)的趋势;Ⅳ组LM中肌红蛋白含量显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组(P<0.05);各组肉的货架期均为8d,第8天Ⅳ组LM的挥发性盐基氮有低于Ⅰ组的趋势(P=0.112)。血清与组织生化指标(蛋白质、MDA、SOD、T-AOC、LDH、LD、CK等)中,仅Ⅳ组肝脏SOD极显著地高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组(P<0.01)。 Thirty--two cross bred male lambs F1 of Poll Dorset ( ♂ ) × Small Tail Han × Tan (♀) at five and half months old were selected and divided into four groups, and a single factor designing was used to study the effects of supplementing different levels(0%, 0. 075%, 0. 150% and 0. 225%) of magnesium(MgO) in diets on lamb meat production, quality and biochemical indices of tissues. The results indicated that there were no significant difference on lamb meat production, quality and the contents of DM and CP of longissimus muscle(LM) among all the groups( P 〉 0.05 ). The content of ether extract of LM from group Ⅰ was significantly higher than that from group Ⅳ (P 〈0.05) or tend to be higher compared to those from group Ⅱ (P=0. 194). The level of myoglobin in LM of group IV was significantly higher than those from other groups( P 〈 0.05 ). The shelf life of lamb meat(LM) was eight days for all the groups, but the level of volatile basic nitrogen in LM of group Ⅳ trend to be lower than that of Ⅰ (P=0. 112). All the biochemical index determined in serum and other tissues from all the groups were not affected by magnesium supplementation,with the exception of the level of superoxide dismutase(SOD) in liver from group Ⅳ which was higher than those in other groups( P 〈 0.01 ).
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2008年第6期34-38,共5页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
基金 教育部春晖计划项目(Z2004-1-62022) 甘肃省科技厅项目(0704XCNA008) 甘肃省教育厅项目(01CX-05)
关键词 羔羊 产肉力 肉品质 生化指标 lamb magnesium lamb meat production meat quality index of biochemistry
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