
同性恋的角色区分及其对伴侣的角色要求 被引量:12

Role Distinguish and Demand in Partners' Role in Homosexual
摘要 目的:了解同性恋角色区分及对伴侣角色要求的现状与特点,同时考察角色类型与性别角色的关系。方法:通过网络调查了来自全国111个城市的220名男同性恋和217名女同性恋,对象从"纯0/P"(单一的女性角色)到"纯1/T"(单一的男性角色)5个分类中评定了自己的角色和对伴侣的角色要求,并测量了Bem性别角色量表的男性化和女性化特质。结果:同性恋角色可以分为被动型、两可型和主动型3类,其中男同性恋被动型(34.7%)多于主动型(27.4%),女同性恋正好相反(21.2%,58.1%)。在性别角色类型上,被动型中女性化明显多于男性化(男同性恋女性化和男性化分别为31.6%、6.6%;女同性恋分别为28.3%、8.7%),主动型中男性化明显多于女性化(男同性恋男性化和女性化分别为25.0%、13.3%;女同性恋分别为27.8%、11.9%)。在对伴侣角色要求上,男女同性恋有角色偏向者对伴侣要求分别为:互补型占65.2%和70.2%,均可型占34.8%和29.8%。结论:同性恋的角色可以划分为被动型、两可型和主动型3类;角色的区分在一定程度上是基于个体的男性化、女性化特质;有角色偏向的同性恋对伴侣的角色要求大部分为互补型,少部分对角色没有明确要求。 Objective: To understand current situation and characteristics of role distinguish and demand in homosexual and to explore the relationship between role distinguish and gender role. Methods: The sample consisted of 437 participants from 111 cities in China, including 220 gay men and 217 lesbians, who were recruited on the internet. All participants answered questions on role distinguish and demand in partners'role from " only bottom" ( only maleg role) to " only top" (only femateg role), the participants also completed the masculinity and femininity traits of Bern Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) . Results: The role of homosexual could be divided into three types: " passive" , " versatile" and " active" . The number of " passive" (34.7%) was more than " active" (27.4% ) in gay men, it was just opposite for lesbians (21.2% passive, 58. 1% altive) . On gender role, femininity were more than masculinity in " passive" (femininity and masculinity were 31.6% and 6.6% in gay men, respectively; 28. 3% and 8.7% in lesbians), masculinity were more than femininity in " active" ( masculinity and femininity were 25.0% and 13.3% in gay men, respectively; 27.8% and 11.9% in lesbians) . On demand in partners'role, 65.2% role-orientated gay men and 70. 2% lesbians required their partners to be " complementary", while 34. 8% role-orientated gay men and 29. 8% lesbians had no clear requirements. Conclusion: Roles in homosexual can be divided into three types: " passive", " versatile" and " active" . Role distinguish is based on masculinity and femininity to some extent. In role-orientated homosexuals, most of them require their partners to be " complementary", and a small number of them have no clear requirements.
作者 郑丽军 郑涌
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期192-195,共4页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究2005年度一般项目"学生性心理发展特点与性健康对策研究"(05JAXLX010)
关键词 同性恋 角色区分 性别角色 伴侣 横断面调查 homosexual role distinguish gender role partner cross-sectional survey
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