

Genetic Analysis of Flood Damage August 1996 in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Fenhe River and Flood Preventing Countermeasures
摘要 1996年8月,汾河中下游发生了严重洪涝灾害,鉴于此次洪水范围广、历时长、洪灾严重等特点,为探求其致灾原因和存在的问题,同时也为今后整个流域的规划和治理提供一些依据。在1997年初,省水利厅以晋水发[1997]267号文件下达了研究任务。本文即是针对汾河中下游“96.8”洪水的产生原因、致灾因素,以汾河干流为主,考虑主要产洪支流文峪河、潇河等,在对汾河水库到汾河入黄口进行全流域性实地调查研究的基础上,对该流域水利工程防洪效益进行分析,通过分析干流及区间洪水,计算出干流区间及主要支流径流系数,同时估算了干流各段河道行洪能力,对现有河道及堤防工程存在的问题提出了治理建议。 The data relevant to the flood in August 1996 have been comprehensively analysed:the meteorological situation before and during the flood,the characteristics of the flood,the distribution of the flood in time and space ,the recurrence interval estimation of the flood,the analysis of the flood in main rivers,including the flood peak,the flood volume and the coefficent of the flood runoff in various sections of the main river,the recurrence interval estimation of the flood peak at every hydrological station at the main river,the flood discharge capacity in various sections of the main river,and the analysis of the flood in every key branch.Additioally,the operation of the large and medium reservoirs in the drainage area of the Fenhe River during the flood (August 1996)course have also been investigated.Based upon the above analysis amd investigation,the causes of the flood damage in August 1996 have been found:High flood peak ,great flood and long duration;Influence of the high flood stage of the Yellow River at the confluence where the Fenhe River empties into the Yellow River;Decreasing of the flood buffering area and flood retarding area,which have been used as farmland or economic development area;Serious river aggradation and lacking in flood control capability.Finally,in this paper some flood preventing countermeasures such as quickening river regulation and construction of leveeworks,strengthening the engineering management and so on have been presented,The flood in August 1996 data are as follows:maximum flood peak in the main river is 1 125 m 3/s,which appeared at Yitang ,its recurrence interval is 15 years,its flood volume reaches to 600 000 000 m 3,about 3 470 000 000 Yuan (RMB)in flood damage have been caused.
出处 《山西水利科技》 1998年第1期30-40,共11页 Shanxi Hydrotechnics
关键词 水库调度 灾害成因 防洪对策 洪水 Rain Runoff Coefficent\ Flood Damage\ Reservoir Operation Flood Preventing Countermeasure
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