
基于风险感知的管理授权实证研究 被引量:7

An Empirical Research about the Management Empowerment Based on the Risk Perception
摘要 通过对482名管理人员的实证调查发现,管理人员在权力下放时将同时面对权力地位、组织利益和任务绩效等三个风险来源,其中管理者感知到的任务绩效风险最高。通过对比国有企业和民营企业,发现除了组织利益这个风险来源以外,民营企业管理者在权力下放时感知到的权力地位风险和任务绩效风险显著高于国有企业。另外,管理者的工作控制点也显著影响其对授权风险的感知,管理者的他控水平能够显著预测管理者对授权风险的感知。 From the perspective of risk-aware, the management empowerment was authorized to conduct indepth study. The empirical study which surveyed 482 managers found that managers faced three risk sources when they empowered the subordinate, including power status, organizational benefit and task performance Besides, the risk about task performance which the managers the state-owned enterprises and the private enterprises, the organizational performance. benefit, the In addition, managers of private enterprises perceived was the most of all. By comparing result showed other than the risk sources of perceived more risk on power the managers" locus of working control also had a significant status and task impact on their empowerment risk perception. And the empowerment risk perception depended on whether the manager thought that they were controlled by other persons.
作者 杨英 龙立荣
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期29-34,共6页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 授权 授权风险 国有企业 民营企业 工作控制点 empowerment empowering risk state-owned enterprises private enterprises locus of working control
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