
知识管理前提假设与理论基础探析 被引量:2

Study on Hypothesis and Theoretical Foundation of Knowledge Management
摘要 知识经济时代下,知识管理已成为推动组织发展的重要管理模式,然而目前的知识管理研究仍然缺乏对其前提假设和理论基础的探讨。针对这一问题,借鉴以往相关研究成果,综合新经济时代下社会经济与人们行为表现的新特点,提出一个新的人性假设和资源的相对无限性假设,以及一个全面系统的理论基础体系,从自然科学、信息科学和社会科学领域提供不同角度的理论洞察和支持,厘清了知识管理的分析起点,并为之提供多重基础理论的支持和多样化的理论思维,从而为上述问题的解决提供了新的思路。 With the coming of knowledge economy epoch, knowledge management has become an encouraging innovation and breakthrough of management model, and has been attracting tremendous attention from both academic research fields and management practice. However, there's little research concerns about the hypothesis and theoretical foundation on this issue. Aiming at remedying this shortage, we use the results of related former research for reference, integrate the characteristic of human behavior in knowledge-based economy,consequently develop a new behavioral hypothesis and assumption of knowledge resource relative infinity, and a systematical theoretical foundation system too, which provides theoretical support for knowledge management from perspectives of natural science, information technology, and social science, finally provide a new solution to this problem.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期124-131,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金雅砻江水电开发联合研究基金重点项目(50539130) 国家自然科学优秀创新研究群体基金项目(70121001)
关键词 知识管理 人性假设 知识资源无限性假设 理论基础 knowledge management behavioral hypothesis the assumption of knowledge resource relative infinity theoretical foundation
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