Objective To detect and determine the specificity of platelet-reactive antibodies in patients who were refractory to platelet transfusions. Methods Serum samples from 48 patients who were refractory to platelet transfusions were screened with MACE for platelet-reactive antibodies. Specificity of platelet alloantihodies was determined with PAK12 and MAIPA. Results Platelet-reactive antibodies were detected in the serum of 50% FIR patients ( 24/48 ). The incidence of HLA antibodies was 39. 6% ( 19/48 ), accounting for 79. 2% of serum with platelete alloantibodies. The HPA aUoantihodies were found in 29. 2% (14/48)serum ,of which ,64. 3% (9/14) occurrod together with anti-HLA. The following platelet-specific antibodies were identified: anti-HPA-3a( n = 2 ) , anti-HPA-Sb ( n = 1 ), anti-HPA-Sa ( n = 1 ), anti-HPA-2b ( n = 1 ) , anti-HPA-4b( n = 1 ). Of the 14 serum with HPA antibodies ,78. 6% (11/14 ) contained panreactive anibodios against platelet glycoprotein(GP) Ⅱ b/Ⅲa,GP Ⅰ a/Ⅱ a,and/or GP Ⅰb/Ⅸ. Platelet-reacfive antibodies were detected more in female( 16/ 29 ) than in male ( 8/19 ) with a frequency of 55.2%, 42. 1%, respectively, but there was no statistical significant difference. Conclusion The platelet-specific antibody in PTR patients are not as rare as previous thought although alloantihodies are predominantly anti-HLA. Antibody specificities in Chinese FIR patients are different from those observed in Caucasians,in whom anti-HPA-Sb and-1b are the most prevalent specificity. The most prevalent platelet-specific antibodies are anti-HPA-3 and anti-HPA-5 while anti-HPA-4h and anti-HPA-2b are also detected.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion