
大肠杆菌启动子特征参数的统计分析 被引量:3

Study and analysis E.coli promoter characteristics
摘要 首先统计了683条大肠杆菌sigrna70启动子序列的每个位点单碱基频率,并计算了每个位点单碱基体现保守性的M1(1)值和相应涨落限,从而获得多个大于涨落限的保守位点。其次,对大肠杆菌的转录起始位点到翻译起始位点的距离进行了统计,发现这个距离的范围是0-1000bp。大肠杆菌启动子还分布于一些特定的基因间和编码区,分别是的DIV基因间,55%的TAN基因间和6%的编码区。这些启动子的特征是启动子辨识的重要参数。 In this paper, three kinds of characteristics of E. coli promoters are studied. At first, based on the statistical analysis mononucleotide frequency of each position in 683 E. coli promoters, the M1 (1) and fluctuate bound of each site are calculated. And some conservative positions are obtained. Secondly, the distance from transcription start site (TSS) to translation initiation site (TIS) of 683 promoters are calculated, the results show that the distance distribution is relatively small, range from 0 to 1000bp. At last, based on statistical the distribution in three intergenic regions and coding regions, the promoters only locate in some given regions: most of DIV regions, 55 % of the TAN regions and 6% of the coding regions. These characteristics may be utilized in promoter prediction.
作者 林昊
出处 《生物信息学》 2009年第1期37-39,43,共4页 Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics
基金 电子科技大学优秀毕业生科研启动费
关键词 启动子 保守位点 转录起始位点 基因间 promoter conservation position transcription start site intergenic regions
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