
新闻访谈中的问句与权势关系研究 被引量:1

On the Questions and Power Relations in News Interview
摘要 以Halliday的系统功能语法为理论基础,通过定量方法对所收集新闻访谈语料中主持人和嘉宾所用问句的数量、不同类型、比例及所含有的不同语用内涵从语音、词汇、句法和会话层面进行分析探讨,揭示了主持人和嘉宾之间存在不均衡的权势关系。主持人的提问次数要远远多于嘉宾,并且多次通过重叠和打断嘉宾来控制话轮,此外主持人还在一般疑问句中使用降调,这都说明主持人对嘉宾拥有权势,处于强权势地位。嘉宾通过回答主持人提出的问题来配合主持人完成对话,处于弱势。主持人和嘉宾之间的不平等关系是通过问答的形式实现的。 Based on Halliday's systemic-functional grammar, through a quantitative analysis of linguistic data, this paper examines the use of question types, their frequencies of occurrence and pragmatic implications in host-guest talk. It is found that there exist unbalanced power relations between host and guest. By asking more questions, overlapping and interrupting the guests, and using falling tone in yes-no questions, the host controls the content and progress of the talk, thus exerting power over the guests while the guests cooperate passively by answering questions, thus being controlled by the host.
作者 张洪莲
出处 《德州学院学报》 2009年第1期33-36,共4页 Journal of Dezhou University
关键词 问句 语用内涵 权势关系 questions pragmatic implication power relation
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